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Exporting Data

Export data to a supported format or service like CSV, Google Sheets, ...

Julien Lambé avatar
Written by Julien Lambé
Updated over a week ago

Data displayed on an index page can be exported to a supported format or service. With this feature, it is possible to extract data from your application in a file like a CSV or to a third-party service like Google Sheets, ...

The export feature can be found, from the interface, on an index page like illustrated below.

From an index table page, on the top-right corner, you can find a secondary button labeled "Export".

If you don't find the "Export" action, it means the resource you're willing to export is not yet supported.

The export feature is contextual, meaning that it will use the filters applied on a table to query the data to extract.

Filter the data

Each tables contain a collection of filters to let you strip down the data to display and to export.

If you want to export all data from a resource, simply do not specify any filters in the data table.

The export feature lets you extract all records of the filtered data. From the interface, at the bottom right corner, the table is showing the total number of found records.

In the example below, we want to export all users that have a registration for a specific product. The table shows a total of 37 items... this is the expected number of records you will get at export.

  1. Specify one or more filters

  2. View the total number of found items

Once you have the list of data you would like to export on screen, you can now export it by clicking on the "Export" button action.

Which data is being exported

Beside running based on filtered data, the export feature is also only processing the data displayed in the index data table.

This means that you also need to specify the "columns" to show on a table before export. A column in the user interface is responsible to display a resource property.

In the screenshot below, the export will only process those 3 properties for the list of filtered users:

  1. Name

  2. Organization name

  3. Account credit

Make sure to display the resource property you need for your export before going further. In order to pick the properties you would like to display and extract, click on the "cog" icon on the top-right corner of the index table. From the list of available columns, simply check the properties you want to enable or disable like in the image below where we are adding the user first name and last name:

Export the data

To export the filtered data, click on the "Export -> Export All" action.

A modal window should appear with a few options to choose from and then export:

  1. Name: give a meaningful name to the export data set you are extracting

  2. Destination: choose a format or service you want to export to

> If a "destination" is requiring more information (like the Google Sheets one for example), the additional required settings will be displayed on screen.

Currently, it is possible to export data to the following destinations:

  1. CSV: create a CSV document that can be downloaded

  2. Google Sheets: create a Google Sheets document stored on your own Google Drive

Once options for your export are defined, click the "Export" button at the bottom of the modal window to start processing the records.

Once the "Export" button is clicked, you are redirected to the requested export screen which shows in real-time the state of your export.


In the staff area, click on the "Exports" tab, from the left sidebar, to show a list of all requested exports.

To access the processed documents, click on an export name from the list. A new screen will display detailed information about your export as well as a list of available data sets, their status and links to download or access the extracted data.

From earlier example, we can see the CSV export is completed and a "Download" button is displayed to let us get the data.

Export details

On the export edit screen, you can view detailed information about processed data sets and links to access them. Here is a few information about what you see on screen.

  1. Name: the name given while requesting the export (click the "Edit" button to rename if required).

  2. Source: the resource name the export originates from. Clicking on the source will redirect you to the related index data table page.

  3. By: the user who first requested the export.

  4. Export destinations: list of available documents the data has been extracted to, with their current status, date when data started being exported, when export was completed and finally links or actions to access and download the extracted data.

From the right sidebar, the following actions are available:

  • View data table source: similar to clicking on the "source", the action redirects to the index data table page.

Export destinations

A "destination" is our terminology to declare a document type where the data is extracted to. From a single data source, you can export the exact same data to different destinations.

Currently, we support the following destinations, with more to come, where you can export data to:

  1. Google Sheets

  2. CSV

Google Sheets

The "Google Sheets" allows you to export data to your own Google Workspace account. The destination creates a new spreadsheet and stores it automatically at the root of your own Google Drive disk.

Because the "Google Sheets" driver requires a user authorization to work, when you pick this export option, you have to authorize the application to access your Google Workspace account.

To authorize the application to export the data, once the "Export" or "Start Export" button is clicked, you will be automatically redirected to the Google authorization screens.

Follow on-screen steps to authorize the application and let it manage the created Google Sheets spreadsheet:

Once you authorized the application to access your Google Workspace account, at the end of the operation, you should be redirected to the export edit screen. The dataset should be marked as "queued" and will soon be processed.

An export is an asynchronous job, so depending on the number of records the system has to export, it might take up to several minutes before the data is available to access.

Once an export is completed, it will marked as so and a link to view the generated Google Sheets spreadsheet is displayed like in the image below. Click the "View" button to access the spreadsheet on your Google Drive account.


The CSV driver allows to export data to a CSV file (a comma separated values list). The destination generates the file and stores it on a private remote disk storage so only logged-in staff users can access it.

Once a CSV export is completed, as a staff user, it is possible to download the generated file by clicking on the "Download" button like in the image below:

The downloaded file will have a filename based on the name given to your export. If you want to rename the CSV file being downloaded, rename your export by clicking the "Edit" button located at the top-right corner of the "Export Details" card.

The downloaded file will have a filename based on the name given to your export. If you want to rename the CSV file being downloaded, rename your export by clicking the "Edit" button located at the top-right corner of the "Export Details" card.

Refresh Export

On previously processed exports, the interface will also display a "Refresh" button action along each destination. Data is updated daily in your application and yesterday information is not the same as today.

Introducing the "Refresh" action which lets you reprocess the requested data to export. Instead of requesting a new export from an index page, simply visit any of your existing export and click on "Refresh" to let the application export fresh data.

Retry Export

In the case where an export keeps being in a "pending" state or has "failed", a "Retry" action button will be displayed in the interface. Click the "Retry" button to queue the export again and restart the export process.

Export Status

While exporting data, each destination data set will go through different status:

  1. Pending: initial registration of an export job (aka configuration step)

  2. Queued: the requested data is queued and is going to be processed

  3. In-Progress: the data is being exported

  4. Completed: the data has been fully exported

  5. Failed: an error occurred, warn our support if "Retry" does not resolve it

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